T.D.B. College, which celebrated its Diamond Jubilee in 2017 and accredited by NAAC in the year 2016 and again in 2023 endeavours to break the stereotypical notions of education as a mere transaction of structured syllabi as the teaching processes at T.DB College reflects reciprocity between students and teachers. Teachers seek to instill in students a zest for learning. The capacity for original thought and ability to see things from multiple perspectives are fostered. The relationship between teacher and student here is like a family. The teachers are always accessible to the students and guide them at every step of their educational journey. Discussions and activities within and outside the classroom are dynamic, dialogic and collaborative. We need to acknowledge that we have to prepare young minds to face the challenges of a demanding world which is changing at an unprecedented pace. We aim to equip our students to transform these challenges into exciting opportunities. The college aims at an all-round holistic education that nurtures the student’s academic capacity through a traditional classroom teaching aided by the latest technological facilities such as smart classrooms that allows for an international standard of excellence. They are encouraged to participate in sports, games, cultural and social activities that ensures an all-round personality development. Apart from regular classes and evaluation processes, environmental and social awareness is nurtured through NSS and NCC that promotes responsibility and accountability as citizens of the country and as universal citizens of the world.


Different post-graduate courses are offered in Urdu, English, Bengali, Hindi, Geography, Zoology, Commerce and Chemistry along with Under-graduate courses in twenty-nine different subjects. We also provide financial assistance like half-free-ship and full-free-ship to our students who are devoid of financially under-privileged so that they may fulfil their aspirations. Through the teaching-learning process, the students along with their very experienced, committed and dedicated faculty engage in contemporary issues while balancing the best of our cultural values and traditions. The able and skilled non-teaching staff of the college form the backbone of the functioning of the college. Their tireless efforts ensure the smooth functioning of the college. We believe even after leaving this institution the students will cherish memoirs of their alma mater and rely on their caring faculty who will remain their friends and mentors for years to come. Our college is like an extended family that has members all across the world, our successful students remain connected through a vibrant Alumni Association whose members actively participate in the development of the college.


We do not bid farewell to our students when they pass out but we ‘fare’ them ‘well’ as we are confident that they will succeed. Our college is family that grows from strength to strength.
Mr. Milan Mukherjee
Trivenidevi Bhalotia College