Data Science Unit
Mission and Vision 
The mission of the data science Unit is to enable high-quality data science education and enhance employability, and industrial exposure. The vision is to significantly expand the capacity of the students to implement data science techniques, learn cutting-edge computational tools and advanced programming and develop college-industry collaborations. This is to be accomplished by hands-on learning and training opportunities, thus catalyzing students’ potential, building relationships with industry, and establishing connections with various academic/industrial organizations.  
Beneficiaries of the Data Science Unit
Final year students of all science and commerce faculties and others who handle big data.
Data Science using Python
Introduction: Welcome and overview of the course. Introduction to the data science process and the value of learning data science.  
Basics of Python Programming: Brief background in python to get you up and running. If you are already familiar with python, you can skip this content. 
Jupyter and Numpy:  Jupyter notebooks are one of the most commonly used tools in data science as they allow you to combine your research notes with the code for the analysis. After getting started in Jupyter, we'll learn how to use NumPy for data analysis. NumPy offers many useful functions for processing data and data structures that are time and space efficient. 
Pandas: Pandas, built on top of NumPy, add data frames that offer critical data analysis functionality and features.
When working with large datasets, you often need to visualize your data to gain a better understanding of it. Also, when you reach conclusions about the data, you'll usually wish to use visualizations to present your results. 
Mini Project:  With the tools of Jupyter notebooks, NumPy, pandas, and Visualization, you're ready to do sophisticated analysis on your own. You'll pick a dataset we've worked with already and perform an analysis for this first project. 
Statistics: You will learn the foundations of statistics required for Data Science projects followed by practical classes with real-life examples.
Machine Learning: To take your data analysis skills one step further, we'll introduce you to the basics of machine learning and how to use sci-kit-learn - a powerful library for machine learning. 
Final Project: These weeks let you showcase all your new skills in an end-to-end data analysis project. You'll pick the dataset, do the munging, ask the research questions, visualize the data, draw conclusions, and present your results. 
Certification: After successful completion of this course students will get a certificate from the college.
Designation in the Data Science Club
Dr. Asish Kumar Dey
Mr. Arunabha Bandyopadhyay
 Associate Professor
Department of Physiology 
IQAC Co-Ordinator
Mr. Molay Kumar Ruidas
 Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
Joint Convener
Dr. Prakash Kumar Das
 Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Joint Convener
Mr. Saikat Mukhopadhyay
 Senior Expert in Data Science
Member Cum External Advisor
Mr. Abinash Adhikari
 Founder & Head of Data Science
Global Stat Academy
Member Cum External Advisor
Mrs. Rajasree Dutta
Department of Statistics
Mr. Tamalendu Das
Department of Statistics
Mr. Sabyasachi Chatterjee
Department of Statistics
Mr. Partha Mondal
 Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Mr. Prabir Sen
 Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Mr. Nizamuddin Ahmed
 Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics 
Dr. Soumitra Sarkar
 Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Dr. A.H.M. Abdul Wasey
 Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Mrs. Rimon Saha
 Assistant Professor
Department of Economics 
Mr. Soumen Purkait
 Assistant Professor 
Department of Commerce
Mrs. Jhulan Chatterjee
Department of Computer Science
Mr. Subhashis Kumar Chandra
Department of Computer Science
Ms. Sadhana Chandra
Department of Computer Science 
Dr. Shreyasi Gupta
 Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
Mr. Kalyan Banerjee
Department of Physiology 
Mr. Dibyendu Mondal
Dr. Deepjay Sarkar
 Assistant Professor
Department of Geology 
Mr. Soumen Saha
 Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Mrs.  Aditi Gain
 Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
Dr. Sreetama Mishra
Department of Journalism & Mass Communication
Mr. Nadim Ahmed
 Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics
Dr. Arijit Ghosh
 Assistant Professor
Department of Botany